Anyone remember Polycarp?
(too old to reply)
2013-04-06 06:42:47 UTC
Anyone remember Polycarp, the "Cajun" fellow on KATC Ch. 3 in Lafayette
who used to introduce cartoons in the mornings? This was in the early
70s. He was a local TV personality, and I can't really recall his
presentation, except that he wore a straw hat and overalls -- at the
time he was funny, but it might not go over too well with a lot of
folks nowadays. Anyway, I was a Polycarp fan as a kid, and was thrilled
when one day while boating in Henderson with my parents we found
Polycarp adrift with a broken boat motor and had to tow him ashore.
Alas, I hear he passed away under sad circumstances several years ago.
Cajun in Exile
Yeah, I remember Polycarp well. I grew up in Lake Charles, which is quite a way west of Lafayette, but I guess we had a pretty good TV antenna...good enough to catch Channel 3. Of course I remember the cartoons, but I also remember Officer Friendly, who'd always tell the viewing audience to be sure and stop and look both ways before crossing the street. I always wondered if Officer Friendly was really a Lafayette policeman. Also, I remember hearing that John Plauche (Polycarp) had died, but I don't know the circumstances. Does anybody else out there know what happened?
2013-04-26 13:51:06 UTC
Post by r***@gmail.com
Anyone remember Polycarp, the "Cajun" fellow on KATC Ch. 3 in
Lafayette who used to introduce cartoons in the mornings? This was
in the early 70s. He was a local TV personality, and I can't really
recall his presentation, except that he wore a straw hat and overalls
-- at the time he was funny, but it might not go over too well with a
lot of folks nowadays. Anyway, I was a Polycarp fan as a kid, and
was thrilled when one day while boating in Henderson with my parents
we found Polycarp adrift with a broken boat motor and had to tow him
ashore. Alas, I hear he passed away under sad circumstances several
years ago.
Cajun in Exile
Yeah, I remember Polycarp well. I grew up in Lake Charles, which is
quite a way west of Lafayette, but I guess we had a pretty good TV
antenna...good enough to catch Channel 3. Of course I remember the
cartoons, but I also remember Officer Friendly, who'd always tell the
viewing audience to be sure and stop and look both ways before
crossing the street. I always wondered if Officer Friendly was really
a Lafayette policeman. Also, I remember hearing that John Plauche
(Polycarp) had died, but I don't know the circumstances. Does anybody
else out there know what happened?




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